enum { f_setup, /* set up class */ f_addmess, /* add an incoming message */ f_addbang, /* add a "bang" message ... */ f_addint, /* "int" */ f_addfloat, /* "float" */ f_addinx, /* "in1", etc */ f_addftx, /* "ft1", etc */ f_newobject, /* get space for this class */ f_getbytes, /* get a given amount of space */ f_freebytes, /* release it */ f_intin, /* add an "int" inlet ... */ f_floatin, /* "float" */ f_outlet_new, /* add an outlet */ f_bangout, /* add a "bang" outlet ... */ f_intout, /* "int" */ f_floatout, /* "float" */ f_listout, /* "list" */ f_outlet_bang, /* send "bang" to an outlet ... */ f_outlet_int, /* "int" */ f_outlet_float, /* "float" */ f_outlet_list, /* "list" */ f_outlet_anything, /* any message */ f_gensym, /* convert a string to a symbol */ f_clock, /* make a new clock */ f_clock_set, /* set it, absolute time */ f_clock_delay, /* set it */ f_clock_unset, /* unset it */ f_clock_free, /* free it */ f_gettime, /* advanced (mostly for window control access) */ f_qelem, f_qelem_set, f_qelem_unset, f_qelem_free, f_newhandle, /* get a new handle */ f_disposhandle, /* release it */ f_growhandle, /* grow it */ f_post, /* debugging printout */ f_wind, /* make a new window */ f_wind_free, /* free a window */ f_wind_vis, /* make it visible */ f_wind_invis, /* make it invisible */ f_wind_setport, /* set grafport to window (returns old one) */ f_wind_settitle, /* set filename and volume */ f_wind_dirty, /* dirty the window */ f_wind_setsmax, /* set maxima of scrollbars */ f_wind_setsval, /* set values of scrollbars */ f_wind_drag, /* start a drag */ f_wind_defaultscroll, /* default scrolling action */ f_defvolume, /* get default volume number */ f_binbuf_new, /* get new binbuf */ f_binbuf_free, /* dispose of binbuf */ f_binbuf_vinsert, /* insert into binbuf, formatted */ f_binbuf_insert, /* insert raw */ f_binbuf_eval, /* evaluate contents */ f_binbuf_getatom, /* look at contents */ f_binbuf_text, /* convert text to binbuf */ f_binbuf_totext, /* convert binbuf to text */ f_sprintf, /* sprintf */ f_sscanf, /* sscanf */ f_cpytext, /* tell everyone you copied text */ f_typedmess, /* send a message, typechecked args */ f_binbuf_set, /* set contents of binbuf, raw */ f_binbuf_append, /* append to contents of binbuf, raw */ f_patcher_setport, /* set grafport to patcher's window, if visible */ f_box_new, /* a new box */ f_box_free, /* free the box */ f_box_ready, /* select the box when creating */ f_patchbox, /* utility to call function with size */ f_lockout_set, /* set lockout, returns previous value */ f_patcher_dirty, /* dirty the object's owning patcher */ f_patcher_selectbox,/* select a box */ f_patcher_deselectbox, /* "unselect" a box */ f_drawstr, /* draw a c string at the current pen location */ f_binbuf_savebox, /* save a box to a binbuf */ f_textbox, /* utility to call function and create a box with text */ f_box_ownerlocked, /* returns 1 if box's owning patcher locked */ f_box_size, /* resize a box */ f_rescopy, /* copy your resource to Max's temporary file */ f_inlet_new, /* create a general inlet */ f_wind_noworrymove, /* don't worry if mouse doesn't move */ f_wind_setundo, /* set the text of the Undo menu item */ f_getschedtime, /* get time within clock function */ f_getexttime, /* get time of external clock */ f_clock_xdelay, /* clock_delay for external clock */ f_clock_xset, /* clock_set for external clock */ f_clock_xunset, /* clock_unset for external clock */ f_clock_getextfmt, /* get format of external clock */ f_isr, /* are we at interrupt level? */ f_maxversion, /* return MAX version number */ f_table_get, /* gets table handle and size (returns 0 if success) */ f_table_dirty, /* marks table as having changed */ f_binbuf_read, /* read a binbuf from a file */ f_binbuf_write, /* write a binbuf to a file */ f_ouchstring, /* alert box */ f_palette, /* return the current palette */ f_ispatcher, /* patcher's messlist */ f_isnewex, /* newex's messlist */ f_newex_knows, /* does the box's newex object know this message? */ f_expr_new, /* create a new expression */ f_expr_eval, /* evaluate an expression */ f_expr_free, /* free an expression */ f_freeobject, /* free an object made with newobject */ f_error, /* error message, like post */ f_preset_store, /* store stuff into a preset */ f_preset_set, /* easier storage of a single item */ f_preset_int, /* storage with int message (preferred) */ f_colorinfo, /* get system color variables */ f_finder_addclass, /* add class name to finder list */ f_newinstance, /* send a message to the "new" object */ f_getfn, /* get function assoc with message */ f_egetfn, /* get function assoc with message */ f_zgetfn, /* get function assoc with message */ f_ed_new, /* open a new edit window */ f_ed_vis, /* make edit visible */ f_ed_free, /* dispose of edit window */ f_ed_settext, /* set edit window text */ f_readatom, /* read an atom from text */ f_open_dialog, /* standard file open dialog wrapper */ f_saveas_dialog, /* standard file saveas dialog wrapper */ f_locatefile, /* locate a file in current paths */ f_inlet4, /* secret */ f_inlet_to, /* secret */ f_patcher_okclose, /* set receiver of patcher's okclose message */ f_advise, /* put up Yes/No/Cancel alert */ f_qelem_front, /* set qelem at front of queue (don't overuse) */ f_enbugger, /* re-enable debugger */ f_evnum_incr, /* increment global event counter */ f_evnum_get, /* get global event counter */ f_patcher_eachdo, /* do something in each patcher */ f_box_nodraw, /* ok to draw a box (is hidden & locked?) */ f_wind_setcursor, /* set the cursor to something */ f_num_new, /* new numerical */ f_num_draw, /* draw numerical */ f_num_hilite, /* hilite numerical */ f_num_test, /* test numerical */ f_num_track, /* track numerical */ f_num_setvalue, /* set numerical value */ f_proxy_new, /* new proxy object */ f_gwind_new, /* new graphics window */ f_gwind_offscreen, /* make offscreen for graphics */ f_gwind_setport, /* set graphics port */ f_gwind_get, /* get gwind from symbol */ f_off_new, /* new offscreen */ f_off_free, /* free offscreen */ f_sprite_new, /* new sprite */ f_sprite_moveto, /* move sprite abs */ f_off_maxrect, /* determine big clipped rect */ f_sprite_move, /* move delta */ f_sprite_redraw, /* move & change delta */ f_off_copy, /* copy off to screen */ f_sprite_draw, /* draw sprite at current loc */ f_sprite_erase, /* erase sprite */ f_sprite_rect, /* change sprite rectangle & change */ f_off_tooff, /* unused */ f_off_size, /* fix color table of offscreen */ f_off_copyrect, /* copy part of offscreen to screen */ f_alias, /* object can be called more than one thing */ f_locatefiletype, /* locate a file of type X creator Y */ f_midiinfo, /* get info about MIDI Manager */ f_serialno, /* get count for saving check */ f_postatom, /* post a single thing without cr */ f_sprite_newpriority, /* change sprite priority */ f_assist_string, /* respond to assist message */ f_box_erase, /* erase and have patcher redraw box */ f_defer, /* defer a function call if at interrupt level */ f_defer_low, /* same, but always defers & at lower priority */ f_callback_new, /* make A5-based callback */ f_locatefilelist, /* locatefile with list of types */ f_resnamecopy, /* copy named resource */ f_binbuf_delete, /* delete part of a binbuf (low level) */ f_force_install, /* force a class to be loaded pretty soon now */ f_sched_suspend, f_sched_resume, f_readtohandle, /* read a file like a text file into a handle */ f_fileload, /* load a patcher file */ f_intload, /* " " inside a patcher */ f_outlet_add, f_outlet_rm, f_box_color, /* set PmForeColor to box color */ f_box_getcolor, /* get RGB values of palette color of a box */ f_assist_drawstr, /* draw any string in the assistance area */ f_schedule, /* make a clock, call a function */ f_usecolor, /* should I be drawing this rect in color? */ f_palette_getcolor, /* get color of palette index */ f_f_fopen, f_fclose, f_fprintf, f_fscanf, f_fseek, f_message_register, f_editor_register, f_atombuf_new, f_atombuf_free, f_atombuf_text, f_event_new, f_event_box, f_message_patcherRegister, f_bf_singlefast, f_open_promptset, f_saveas_promptset, f_stringload, f_resource_install, f_toolfile_new, f_toolfile_fread, f_toolfile_fwrite, f_wind_filename, f_wind_close, f_wind_nocancel, f_wind_inhscroll, f_wind_setbin, f_class_noinlet, f_expr_install, f_dialog_poll, f_message_unregister, f_message_patcherUnregister, f_connection_client, f_connection_server, f_connection_send, f_connection_delete, f_toolfile_getc, f_debug_printf, f_event_spool, f_event_schedule, f_track_clipBegin, f_track_clipEnd, f_event_offsetRect, f_track_eraseDragTime, f_track_drawDragParam, f_track_drawDragTime, f_track_drawTime, f_track_pixToMS, f_track_MSToPix, f_track_posToMS, f_track_MSToPos, f_track_setport, f_event_clock, f_linkThing_new, f_event_avoidRect, f_event_save, f_tabfromhandle, f_stdlist, f_setclock_delay, f_setclock_unset, f_setclock_gettime, f_patcher_avoidrect, f_collective_load, f_oms_writetime, f_oms_beat2smpte, f_oms_smpte2beat, f_oms_getframerate, f_getsmptetime, f_assist_queue, f_clock_fdelay, f_setclock_fdelay, f_clock_getftime, f_setclock_getftime, f_wind_syswind };