
Usage:     smsAnal [options] inputSoundFile outputSmsFile
Goto: [ Summary | Description ]

Option Summary

Default values given after each parameter. Click on the boxes after the summaries for more detailed information.
-format 1 analysis formats:
    1: harmonic sound
    2: inharmonic sound
    3: harmonic snd keeping phase info
    4: inharmonic snd keeping phase info
-stype 0 input sound types:
     0 = multiple notes
     1 = single note
     2 = single note with no pitch change
-direct 0 analysis direction:
     0 = direct (from begining to end)
     1 = reverse
-detfile name name of deterministic sound file
-resfile name name of residual sound file
-debfile name name of debug text file
-rate 345 analysis frame rate (frames / second)
-swin 3.5 window size in number of pitch periods
-twin 1 type of window:
    0 = Hamming
    1 = Blackman-Harris 62dB
    2 = Blackman-Harris 70dB
    3 = Blackman-Harris 74dB
    4 = Blackman-Harris 92dB
-lfreq 0 lowest frequency to be searched
-hfreq 12000 highest frequency to be searched
-magt 0.3 magnitude threshold
-dfund 100 default fundamental
-lfund 50 lowest possible fundamental
-hfund 1000 highest possible fundamental
-maxe 20 maximum fundamental error
-freqd 0.45 maximum frequency deviation
-peakc 0.2 peak contribution to guide
-fundc 1 fundamental contribution to guide
-npart 60 number of partials to be searched for
-clean 1 0 = do not clean partials, 1 = clean partials
-minl 0.1 minimum length of good partials
-maxs 0.1 maximum sleeping time of partials
-stoc 1 0 = no stochastic analysis, 1 = stochastic analysis
-ncoeff 16 number of stochastic coefficients
-resflt 500 cut-off frequency for high-pass filter applied to residual
-debug 0 debug mode: [0 - 10]

Description of parameters:

Goto: [ General | STFT | Peak detection | Pitch detection | Peak continuation | Cleaning | Stochastic | Debug ]

General parameters

STFT parameters

Peak detection parameters

Pitch detection parameters

Peak continuation parameters

Partial cleaning parameters

Stochastic analysis parameters

Tracing parameters

For an explanation on how all this works, look at the smsAnal.wn document in the docs subdirectory.