Sound Synthesis II: Links
Spectral Modeling Synthesis
Homepage of SMS
Download page
SMS Manual [
Sound examples
Web Interface for SMS
SMS data file format
CCRMA DSP Workshop 2002
Analysis and Resynthesis procedures
CLAM: C++ Library for Audio and Music
(update on SMS software)
Physical Modeling
Digital Waveguide Modeling of Musical Instruments
-- Draft of a book on physical modeling by Julius Smith.
Physical Modeling Synthesis Update
list of current synthesis capabilities and limitations.
Synthesis Toolkit
-- C++ code library for creating physical modeling instruments.
Port of the Synthesis Toolkit into Max/MSP.
STK Homepage
Programming Tutorial for STK
Musical Instrument Samples
from the University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios.
Related Classes
Music 220a
: Fundamentals of Computer-Generated Sound at Stanford University
Music 445
: Computer Applications in Music at the University of Virginia.
SMS workshops given by Xavier Serra at CCRMA