/* timelineDefines.h */ #define TIMELRES 3096 #define TIMELOPEN 3096 #define TIMELCLOS 3097 #define TIMELGREY 3098 #define HCURDiv 4000 #define VCURDiv 4001 /* color palette indices */ #include "colors.h" /* used for window titles */ #define NOBRACKETS 0 #define BRACKETS 1 #define TIMESTRIPHEIGHT 50 /* height of the time ruler area */ #define XRULEROFFSET 5 /* ruler offsets into timeline window */ #define YRULEROFFSET 11 /* ruler offset from bottom of time strip */ /* global lines */ #define TRANSPORTliney 22 #define TIMERULERliney 51 #define TRACKstart 51 #define CLOCKpicindex 4206 #define CURSORpicindex 4207 #define PATCHICONpicindex 4220 /* transport line coordinates */ #define CLOCKBOXleft 134 #define CLOCKBOXtop 5 #define CLOCKBOXright 146 #define CLOCKBOXbottom 17 #define TIMEBOXleft 151 #define TIMEBOXtop 5 #define TIMEBOXright 213 #define TIMEBOXbottom 16 #define CURSORBOXleft 221 #define CURSORBOXtop 5 #define CURSORBOXright 234 #define CURSORBOXbottom 17 #define CURSORBOXtextx #define CURSORDISPleft 241 #define CURSORDISPtop 5 #define CURSORDISPright 287 #define CURSORDISPbottom 17 #define CURSORDISPtextx 242 #define CURSORDISPtexty 14 #define CURSORSELleft 290 #define CURSORSELtop 5 #define CURSORSELright 356 #define CURSORSELbottom 17 #define CURSORSELtextx 291 #define CURSORSELtexty 14 #define TRANSPORTpicindex 4210 /* ruler strip coords */ #define TRACKMENUleft 5 #define TRACKMENUright 47 #define TRACKMENUtop 26 #define TRACKMENUbottom 47 #define TRACKMENUpicindex 4202 #define DISPLAYMENUleft 51 #define DISPLAYMENUright 92 #define DISPLAYMENUtop 26 #define DISPLAYMENUbottom 47 #define DISPLAYMENUpicindex 4204 #define FONTHEIGHTOFFSET 9 #define FONTWIDTHOFFSET 5 #define FONTWidth 6 #define TS_NUMtop 23 #define TS_NUMtexty 32 #define TS_NUMtextx(x) ((x)->tl_divider-FONTWIDTHOFFSET) #define TS_NUMmajordiv 40 #define TS_NUMminordiv 4 #define TS_NUMliney 42 #define TS_NUMbottom 33 #define TSmajorY 8 #define TSminorY 6 #define TIMEHANDLEtop 36 #define TIMEHANDLEbottom 40 #define TIMEHANDLEwidth 8 #define TIMEHANDLEpicindex 4200 #define TIMESELECTtop 43 #define TIMESELECTbottom (TRACKstart) /* track-specific cooordinates */ #define ACTIONICONBOXleft 19 #define ACTIONICONBOXtop 3 #define ACTIONICONBOXwidth 16 #define ACTIONICONBOXheight 16 #define MUTEBOXwidth 12 #define MUTEBOXheight 12 #define NAMEBOXleft 38 #define NAMEBOXtop 4 #define NAMEBOXheight 16 #define NAMEBOXtextx 42 #define NAMEBOXtexty 15 #define NUMBERBOXleft 2 #define NUMBERBOXtop 2 #define NUMBERBOXwidth 15 #define NUMBERBOXheight 16 #define NUMBERBOXtextx 5 #define NUMBERBOXtexty 15 /* zooming */ #define NumZooms 10 /* autoscroll messages */ #define TAScalcold 1 #define TASerase 2 #define TASdraw 3 #define TASrecalc 4 #define TAStrack 5 #define LEFTEdge(win) ((win)->w_x1) #define TOPEdge(win) ((win)->w_y1) #define RIGHTEdge(win) ((win)->w_x2) #define BOTTOMEdge(win) ((win)->w_y2) #define WINDWIDTH(win) (RIGHTEdge(win)-LEFTEdge(win)) #define WINDHEIGHT(win) (BOTTOMEdge(win)-TOPEdge(win)) #define MINDIVIDER (102) #define MSEC24FPS (1000L/24L) #define MSEC30FPS (1000L/30L) #define DEFTEMPO (120L) #define MSEC24PPQ (1000L/48L) #define PIXPERMS(x) (long)(x->tl_pixPerMS/x->tl_timeScale) #define PIXPERMAJ(x) (long)(x->tl_pixPerMS*x->tl_msPerMaj/x->tl_timeScale) #define PIXPERMIN(x) (long)(x->tl_pixPerMS*x->tl_msPerMaj/(x->tl_timeScale*x->tl_minorPerMaj)) #define TIDefauleTRACKHEIGHT 21 /* indexes of the beginning of an "event" message stored in a timeline file */ #define EM_DATATYPE 0 #define EM_EDITOR 1 #define EM_TRACK 1 #define EM_MESSAGE 2 #define EM_START 3 #define EM_DURATION 4 #define EM_TOP 5 #define EM_BOTTOM 6 enum{ TL_IDLE, TL_EDIT, /* editing something */ TL_SETTime, TL_DRAGTime, /* transient state */ TL_SELECTTrack, TL_MAKENewTrack, /* transient state */ TL_PLAY, TL_RECORD }; enum { TIMEDisplayMSec, TIMEDisplayMIDIClk, TIMEDisplayFPS }; enum { acINTERNAL, acRESOURCE, acPATCH }; /* timeline qflags */ #define TLQAll (0xFFFF) #define TLQTimeRuler (0x01<<0) #define TLQTimeRulerNumbers (0x01<<1) #define TLQTimeBar (0x01<<2) #define TLQTimeDisplay (0x01<<3) #define TLQMenuArea (0x01<<4) #define TLQTrackMenu (0x01<<5) #define TLQRecalcTracks (0x01<<6) #define TLQTrackBottom (0x01<<7) #define TLQBackground (0x01<<8) #define TLQLater (0x01<<9) #define TLQTimeSelection (0x01<<10) /* track qflags */ #define TRQAll (0xFFFF) #define TRQNumber (0x01<<0) #define TRQName (0x01<<1) #define TRQAction (0x01<<2) #define TRQHilite (0x01<<3) #define TRQBackAction (0x01<<4) #define TRQAllData (0x01<<5) #define TRQRedraw (0x01<<6) #define TRQBottom (0x01<<7) #define TRQMute (0x01<<8) #define TRQPreview (0x01<<9) #define TRQSolo (0x01<<10) #define TRQBottomDivider (0x01<<11) #define TRQAllAction (TRQBackAction|TRQNumber|TRQName|TRQAction|TRQHilite|TRQMute|TRQPreview|TRQSolo|TRQBottomDivider) /* track finding stuff */ #define onTRACKDIVIDER 1 #define inTRACK 2 #define inOUTERSPACE 3 #define inEDIT 4 #define TLMESSsize 60